What are the most common errors made in Data Entry?
Here are some very common errors that can be avoided by reading the hints during listing entry and knowing the MLS policies: Missing documents. Every listing should have a GIS or Survey map and a Property Condition report (or refusal to sign) along with Lead Based Paint disclosure if the building is pre-1978. This pertains…
Read MoreWhat are the circumstances and steps to place a property on HOLD?
A listing may be on HOLD for a variety of reasons including limited winter access, not ready for showings, short-term owner use, repairs being made or many others. ON HOLD status as used in GNMLS A listing is usually placed on HOLD because the seller wishes to restrict the listing from active marketing for a…
Read MoreWhat are the rules for photos in GNMLS?
Each listing must have a minimum of one photo of the property Photos may NOT include: People or pets Brokerage/Agent signs or any other branding Compensation information Photos must be current, accurate and unique to that listed property All photos are to include the property or be a view from the property Homes must include…
Read MoreMay Concessions be shown in the public remarks?
Yes, as long as they are shown as a dollar amount, they can be noted in the general public remarks. The remarks should specify what the concession is for (i.e. roof repair, carpet allowance, buyer closing costs, general updates). Concessions do not need to be shown in public remarks for active listings, but may be.…
Read MoreIs there an Active with Bump status in GNMLS?
Not as a separate status. If the seller requests that the listing remain in Active (Green) status after accepting an offer with a Bump Clause, the listing may remain in Active (Green) status. You must add a special REALTOR Remarks notation to agents that the listing has “Accepted offer with bump clause”.
Read MoreHow do I list an Earth Home?
An "Earth Home" is one with no fully above-grade floor, and thus all floors are considered below grade level (even if a portion is walkout). GLA is always zero and all baths must be listed as Below Grade. Sq Ft Finished Basement will usually match the Fin SqFt Total unless there is an Accessory Dwelling…
Read MoreMay I add a listing if it is co-listed with someone who is not a GNMLS subscriber?
No; listings co-listed with non-subscribing agents are ineligible for entry in GNMLS and are subject to a fine of $500 and prompt removal. Only listings that solely involve GNMLS subscribers, and the only co-listers allowed in GNMLS are other GNMLS subscribers. See GNMLS Policies & Procedures Section (V)(D) on page 6.
Read MoreHow can I share information with the seller about their listing in GNMLS?
You can share information by emailing them the SellerHub for that listing. Look under the tools gear to View the SellerHub and email access to your seller. They will have access to viewing statistics about the listing, any showing feedback you have put in to share with them, the current status of the listing including…
Read MoreHow can I report a problem I see with information on a listing?
To report a listing error, you should open the listing details page in Xposure and (at top right), go to Actions > Report this Listing. You will have some dropdown general choices for error type and may check one or more. Use the Remarks to clearly explain the problem(s) and the GNMLS Policy(ies) being violated…
Read MoreHow should I enter One-Party or Office Exclusive listings in GNMLS?
One-Party Listing steps: Always enter AFTER the closing date as there is no marketing. When the contract is signed send MLS the first & last pages of listing contract along with the Office Exclusive addendum. Collect all normal property information, photos, documents, etc. When the listing is entered into GNMLS following the sale send MLS…
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