How should I enter One-Party or Office Exclusive listings in GNMLS?
One-Party Listing steps:
- Always enter AFTER the closing date as there is no marketing.
- When the contract is signed send MLS the first & last pages of listing contract along with the Office Exclusive addendum.
- Collect all normal property information, photos, documents, etc.
- When the listing is entered into GNMLS following the sale send MLS the waiver for Late Listing with MLS number and stating One-Party listing
- Be sure to mark Internet = NO so this does not go to numerous sites before changing to Sold status.
- Begin Agent and General Remarks with “ONE PARTY LISTING, SOLD BEFORE PRINT”
(This will give notice to appraisers and others this was not an open-market sale.)
Office Exclusive Listing steps:
- Provided there is NO Public marketing, enter AFTER the closing date.
- When the contract is signed send MLS the first & last pages of listing contract along with the Office Exclusive addendum.
- Collect all normal property information, photos, documents, etc.
- When the listing is entered into GNMLS following the sale send MLS the waiver for Late Listing with MLS number and stating Office Exclusive.
- Be sure to mark Internet = NO so this does not go to numerous sites before changing to Sold status.
- Begin Agent and General Remarks with “OFFICE EXCLUSIVE”
(This will give notice to appraisers and others this was not an open-market sale.)
NOTE: All one-party listings are Office Exclusive, but not all Office Exclusive are one-party.