Become a NWAR REALTOR or Affiliate Member

JUST LOOKING TO JOIN GNMLS?  If you are already a REALTOR (Broker, Agent or Appraiser) in good standing with another REALTOR association and are seeking access to Greater Northwoods MLS, CLICK HERE for details on GNMLS Membership.  Membership with NWAR is not required for existing REALTORS to join GNMLS, though GNMLS firms must have 1 managing Broker or Appraiser who is responsible for all GNMLS subscribers and fees for the firm.  

NWAR REALTOR Membership:

Before proceeding with the steps to join the Northwoods Association of REALTORS®, you must have a valid real estate or appraisal license; we cannot process any applications without proof of your active license.   For details about how to complete the required training and testing to become a licensed salesperson or broker, please visit and go to Education -> Careers.   Deeply discounted online pre-license education courses are available through NWAR - contact us at 715-356-3400 for more information.

Once you have an active real estate license number, you may proceed with the following steps:

  • If you are working for a broker/firm, confirm that your managing broker has submitted the Notice of Real Estate Employment Form (#812) (plus $10 fee) via the Wisconsin DSPS LicensE platform.
  • Complete the NWAR REALTOR Membership Application (PDF) and view the REALTOR Membership dues table below to determine your dues total according to the month your license was registered with your firm/broker, which you can determine by looking up your license on the DSPS website - start date is shown under "Relationships" tab.
    • Annual membership renewal invoices are emailed by mid-October each year.  If you are joining NWAR in October or later, your dues payment should include both the prorated current year dues and full dues for the following year.
    • NWAR initiation fee is waived for existing REALTORS in good standing who wish to join NWAR (whether as secondary or new primary association).  WRA and/or NAR fees are also waived if already paid for the current year through another local association.
  • Return the completed NWAR Membership Application with payment (check or money order please) and if applicable, a letter of good standing from your current local association to:

Northwoods Association of REALTORS (or "NWAR")
PO Box 377
Woodruff, WI 54568

  • Please be aware that there are no dues refunds after you have been accepted as a Member.
  • NWAR staff will contact you with your NAR ID (aka NRDS ID) number, MLS ID, and instructions to register with NAR, WRA and other partners (eg: SentriLock, zipForm).
  • TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: New REALTORS must complete the following within 90 days of joining or as noted:

    • NAR Fairhaven simulation - required for ALL (inc. existing REALTORS) joining NWAR
    • REALTOR Orientation (2.5hr live webinar) - waived for existing REALTORS in good standing
    • NAR Code of Ethics (New Members) course - waived for existing REALTORS in good standing
    • NAR/WRA video playlist & quiz (~1hr) - waived for existing REALTORS in good standing
    • Attend a NWAR General Membership Meeting to be inducted and enjoy a free dinner.  You may instead opt to be inducted during a monthly board meeting (virtual/phone) but would forfeit the free dinner.  Not applicable for existing REALTORS
    • If also joining GNMLS, complete MLS Training (live or offline) within 60 days

REALTOR Member Dues (Broker, Salesperson or Appraiser):

REALTOR Members joining October thru December should include applicable dues for the following year since annual renewal invoices are sent each October and due by 11/30 of current year.  Newly-licensed applicants should determine dues based upon the date WI DSPS registered your license to your firm or managing broker.

NOTE:  Payments drawn from corporate funds or any party besides applicant require action within 48 hours of enrollment to redirect the WRA Action Assessment portion(s) of dues.  Instructions will be provided if applicable.

*  NWAR initiation fee waived for existing REALTORS in good standing as of date joining
^ WRA initiation fee waived for existing WRA REALTOR Members in good standing as of date joining, and any WRA or NAR dues portions already paid through another local association should be subtracted.
+ Dues if joining in Oct thru Dec includes subsequent yearly dues. "TBD" amounts will be updated by September upon confirmation of dues amounts for upcoming year.

2025 NWAR REALTOR (Broker/Salesperson/Appraiser) Initial Dues Table

Month JoiningNWAR Initiation*NWARWRA Initiation^WRA^WRA Action Assessment^NAR^NAR Ad Assessment^TOTAL
Oct+$300.00$37.50 + TBD$75.00$95.75 + TBD$50.00 + TBD$39.00 + TBD$45.00 + TBD$642.25 + TBD
Nov+$300.00$37.50 + TBD$75.00$95.75 + TBD$50.00 + TBD$26.00 + TBD$45.00 + TBD$629.25 + TBD
Dec+$300.00$37.50 + TBD$75.00$95.75 + TBD$50.00 + TBD$13.00 + TBD$45.00 + TBD$616.25 + TBD

NWAR Affiliate Membership:

Please complete and return our Affiliate Membership Application to apply for NWAR Affiliate Membership.

NWAR Affiliate Members will receive our monthly newsletter, may sponsor/attend all Member events and meetings, vote in elections, serve on the NWAR Board of Directors and committees.  Affiliate Membership is available only to licensed professionals in real estate partner businesses, eg: Title Companies, Mortgage Lenders, Inspectors, Homebuilders, Home Insurers.

Full NWAR Affiliate Members are also Affiliate Members of the Wisconsin REALTORS® Association (WRA) which includes various additional benefits you can read about at: WRA Affiliate Membership Benefits

Local Affiliate Membership: If someone from your company is listed on our Affiliates page already, you may opt to join as a "Local" Affiliate and pay just the NWAR initiation fee and dues.  However, only full Affiliates receive access to WRA Member benefits, and at least one person per company must be a full NWAR/WRA Affiliate.

If you are not licensed in a real estate partner business but wish to advertise to our Members, visit the NWAR Sponsors page to learn about becoming a NWAR Sponsor.

Affiliate Member Dues (Licensees in related fields eg: Lenders, Title Examiners, Inspectors):

Affiliate Members joining October thru December should include applicable dues for the following year since annual renewal invoices are sent each October and due by 11/30 of current year.

NOTE:  Payments drawn from corporate funds or any party besides applicant will require action within 48 hours of enrollment to redirect the WRA Action Assessment portion(s) of dues.  Instructions will be provided if applicable.

^ WRA dues portions applicable only to full Affiliates; waived for "Local" Affiliates as described above
+ Dues total for joining in Oct thru Dec includes subsequent year full dues. "TBD" will be updated late summer upon confirmation of local & state dues for upcoming year.

2025 NWAR Affiliate Member Initial Dues Table

Month JoiningNWAR InitiationNWARWRA^WRA Action Assessment^Total
Oct+$25.00$37.50 + TBD$89.00 + TBD$50.00 + TBD$201.50 + TBD
Nov+$25.00$37.50 + TBD$89.00 + TBD$50.00 + TBD$201.50 + TBD
Dec+$25.00$37.50 + TBD$89.00 + TBD$50.00 + TBD$201.50 + TBD