What rules govern putting listings on social media?
Putting listings on social media is governed by State of Wisconsin law, the REALTOR Code of Ethics and by GNMLS rules.
- If it is not your personal listing, always get permission first. You must have a listing contract or the listing broker’s permission before advertising any property. This would be a violation of Wisconsin state law Wis.Stat.§ 452.136(3). It may also violate NAR Code of Ethics Article 12: Standards of Practice 12-4, 12-5 as well as a violation of GNMLS Rules & Regs Sec. 2.7.
- You may advertise your own listings on social media, but all advertising must be done under the authority and name of your real estate firm or broker as registered with the state DSPS.
- All advertising needs to make it clear that you are a licensed real estate professional.
- When advertising your listings, we recommend you use the Xposure Sharing options. These post a live link to the social media so the information is always up-to-date and you are clearly displayed as the contact.
- You may also email this link to your sellers and ask them to share it on their social media, which spreads both the listing and yourself over a broad range of contacts.
- Note that advertising is any effort to promote interest in something. It does not need to have a list price or address or other details to be advertising.
- On your Xposure agent page in About/Biography, be sure to disclose the state(s) you are licensed in accordance with the Code of Ethics.
See this article from WRA for more information. https://www.wra.org/WREM/Dec16/Advertising/