REALTOR Lunch & Learn

CLICK HERE to view the 2024-25 season of NWAR Lunch & Learns and complete the form to alert us of any that interest you.
We will contact you the week prior to any classes that interest you to confirm if you plan to attend in-person (for free Subway) and if possible depending on venue, a link you can use to attend virtually (but BYO lunch).
Lunch & Learns are free for NWAR members and $10 for non-members (if eating), and each is hosted at the NWAR board office unless otherwise noted. TBD locations will be decided as the date nears after we assess where the most convenient location would be for Members who express an interest in attending in-person.
- 10/9 - NAR Settlement & Best Practices Round Table w/ WRA Atty Wendy Hoang - NWAR Office
- 11/13 - WHEDA Forum w/ Curt Witynski - 11a-1p @ Cabaret Cove - Rhinelander (LIVE ONLY)
- 12/11 - Online Awareness: Compliance, Safety & Fraud - Location TBD
- 1/8/25 - Discussing Agency with Consumers - Location TBD
- 2/12 - Divorce & Probate w/ Rick Ernst & Jan Gaskill (Lighthouse Title) - NWAR Office
- 3/12 - Boathouses, Flowages, Erosion w/ DNR Water Spec. Nicole Hays - NWAR Office
- 4/9 - MLS Etiquette: New Listings, Presentation & More w/ Lon Fisk - Location TBD
- 5/7 - Taking Title & Affect on Transactions w/ Hunter Piasecki (Shoreline Title) - Rhinelander Chamber